Village Voice Poetry at ICE restaurant and bar

On Tuesday, March 8, 2011, from 7:00 pm to 11:00 pm, Village Voice Poetry will be hosting an open mic poetry reading at the ICE restaurant and bar.
According to the Facebook page for the event, "The Village is a supportive group of eclectic people that show their love through words. Sharing our stories in front of a audience that is welcoming can be very exciting for a poet, or those of us who just have poetry tendencies, so bring your notebooks, listening ears, and a lot of love, the Village is waiting.

Soultry discribes this night. Addiix of POETRY and NEO SOUL gather to meet and let their WORDS be heard throughout the VILLAGE. The Village is everyone, the voice is our words, and the message comes from the poet and story teller. The stories reflect on past, present, future, and those situations that don't exist, FICTION. The stories are SHARED, and the VILLAGE becomes the WELCOMING of THE VOICE."

The cover charge for the poetry reading is $3.00. The ICE restaurant and bar is located at 405 Madison Ave, Toledo, Ohio (inside of the PNC building).

So come out and support local poetic talent!